This amber kaleidoscope has been designed as an alternative to mass- produced
objects to be handcrafted in small quantities by its creator.
The main idea behind the kaleidoscope is its simplicity: both in terms of a visual
appearance and the very principle of design and production process.
The kaleidoscope consists of a minimum number of components required to achieve
a maximum effect. Also, its production process is highly simplified: the core of a branch
is hollowed out, all the components are assembled and the kaleidoscope is covered.
This could be considered as the materialization of an idea: minimum outside input and
infinity of images inside.
- fast-growing hazel branches have been chosen as the best possible raw material for production of the kaleidoscope and only one piece of stock of the proper length ( for 8-12 items) is cut from one tree;
- the kaleidoscope is crafted by hand, without removing the bark, without using any dyes or impregnation agents (100 % natural);
- kaleidoscopic images are formed by a mini-system of crash proof plastic mirrors therefore the product is light and safe for kids (aged 3 years and above);
- the kaleidoscope contains reused materials: inside of the kaleidoscope, pieces of amber are amber waste created through jewellery manufacturing process (cracked, unusable fragments);
According to the old Lithuanian legend, the wonderful Amber palace in the depths of the Baltic Sea was broken into thousands of tiny pieces by angry God of Thunder, punishing the sea goddess Jurate for her love of the mortal fisherman Kastytis. That is why pieces of amber come ashore after a storm on the Baltic Sea. According to other variations of this legend, Kastytis was killed by Thunder and Jurate mourns him to this day. Her tear drops are amber pieces washed ashore and one could hear her sad voice in a stormy sea.
Kaleidoscope dimensions:: d40x145mm
Package dimensions:: 52x170mm
Design work, made by hands in small edition, patented in Lithuania (Reg.Nr1676)